Holiday Mix

With Macadamia Nuts and Dried Cranberries!

Celebrate year round - with Holiday Mix!

Our meticulously curated blend of cashews, almondspecans, macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries is a real favorite.

Each handful of nuts is a festive celebration for the senses and provides the perfect blend of crunchiness, sweetness and joyiness. (Yes, we made that word up!)

NOTE: Each Holiday Mix Nutsack contains 8 ounces of our ultra-fresh roasted nuts mixed with a handful of dried, sweetened cranberries. As always, we roast our nuts with healthy coconut oil and a pinch of sea salt.

cashews, almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, coconut oil, salt

We don't roast or sell peanuts, but we do roast our nuts in a facility that sometimes processes peanuts and other tree nuts.

Holiday Mix